Starting in 1997, Unicorn Telecom has developed multi-media services on voice response and billing platforms both within and outside Sweden.


In 1998 began to take part in Post and Telestyrelsens number forum. As an independent carrier, Unicorn monitors, manages and debates as a representative of the hundreds of companies and organizations who develop services using premium rate numbers.

In 2002 Unicorn was a key contributor in the formation of the industry organization for mobile services - Morgan.

Since 2005 Unicorn Telecom AB has taken an active role as an industry spokesperson for Swedish Telemedia in dealing with regulatory authorities and policy making.

On February 1st 2013 premium SMS services for mobile phones where the name and personal number of the person using the phone was not registered. However, 0900 services remained in place for all phones, This further encouraged Unicorn to place more focus on its service bureau activities.

Lanserade telekonferenstjänsten för att stötta isolerade människor under pandemiutbrottet. Läs mer om Unicorns insats,